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PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package

On this page you can purchase "PMI Selfstudy Packages" as well as "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Packages" for different APICS and DDI certification programs.

We recommend the self-study package to customers who cannot take part in one of our face-to-face or virtual classroom seminars and still want to prepare specifically for an APICS or DDI exam as a self-learner.

If you book a seminar for the same APICS program with us after purchasing the "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package" in the same name, you will receive a discount in the amount of the value of the documents already purchased. The "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package" includes 1):

  • APICS training material: printed APICS Textbooks and APICS Participant Slidebooks
  • access to the online APICS Learning System (for 1 year)
  • 2 x 90 minutes online "Exam Preparation Session" in small groups
  • APICS Exam Credit*
  • free "Second Chance" retake exam**
  • ASCM Certification Upgrade Membership (for 1 year)

* Please note that after purchasing or activating your APICS exam credit, the APICS exam must be taken within a certain period of time.
** Only under certain conditions.

1) plus shipment costs

To purchase the "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package" you need a free ASCM ID/Account. Please apply for this at before you fill out the booking form with us. Instructions can be found here.

Bestellformular (mehrstufig) EN

Product selection
APICS Certified in Planning and Inventory Management (CPIM)
APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
Certified in Transformation for Supply Chain (CTSC)
APICS Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD)
DDI Demand Driven Planner Professional (DDPP™)
Your Data
Participant Information
Invoicing Address
Terms of use
Detailed information regarding the handling of user data can be found in our Privacy Policy*

Prices valid for 2024. Subject to change.

** If you are a commercial customer the tax for exams my vary
depending on the location of the invoice recipient.