PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package
On this page you can purchase "PMI Selfstudy Packages" as well as "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Packages" for different APICS and DDI certification programs.
We recommend the self-study package to customers who cannot take part in one of our face-to-face or virtual classroom seminars and still want to prepare specifically for an APICS or DDI exam as a self-learner.
If you book a seminar for the same APICS program with us after purchasing the "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package" in the same name, you will receive a discount in the amount of the value of the documents already purchased. The "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package" includes 1):
- APICS training material: printed APICS Textbooks and APICS Participant Slidebooks
- access to the online APICS Learning System (for 1 year)
- 2 x 90 minutes online "Exam Preparation Session" in small groups
- APICS Exam Credit*
- free "Second Chance" retake exam**
- ASCM Certification Upgrade Membership (for 1 year)
* Please note that after purchasing or activating your APICS exam credit, the APICS exam must be taken within a certain period of time.
** Only under certain conditions.
1) plus shipment costs
To purchase the "PMI Selfstudy & Exam Package" you need a free ASCM ID/Account. Please apply for this at before you fill out the booking form with us. Instructions can be found here.
Prices valid for 2024. Subject to change.
** If you are a commercial customer the tax for exams my vary
depending on the location of the invoice recipient.