Thilo Lindner
Please tell us in which company and position you started your APICS certification(s)? What was your motivation to complete the certification(s)?
"I started with APICS certifications at BASF in 2012 after working 10 years as Supply Chain Business Expert. I realized at that time, that, while I understood instinctively the concepts of Supply Chain, I was not really capable of explaining and talking to colleagues in BASF as to why certain processes should be implemented or executed as I assumed would be correct. Another motivation was surely my curiosity and my eagerness to learn more about Supply Chain and to develop further."
How did your certification(s) help you to achieve the position you are currently in?
"I am not sure, if the certifications as such led to my professional development at BASF. But I realize, that my Supply Chain knowledge and expertise, that I earned through the APICS certification process helped me a lot to develop into a globally renowned expert and partner in global transformation projects at BASF."
Please give us a concrete example, where you have applied the APICS knowledge in your career.
"Over many years my passion was the development and implementation of S&OP processes, planning systems or general supply chain concepts. In my current project I developed a single-source-of-truth reporting application for a global transformation project in BASF that joins cross-functional process data from Supply Chain, Finance, Foreign Trade or Master Data into one single data model. The reporting application contains several years of transactional business data and can be used across different process teams and guarantee high transparency and data integrity. To develop this kind of global applications, you need to have a fundamentally good understanding of how processes are maintained in ERP and reporting systems."