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Bridging the Recycling Gap

A deep dive into Supply Chain Transformation

In the sphere of sustainability, there's a striking discrepancy between what's recyclable and what's actually recycled. This gap, now more than ever, is the epicenter of attention for organizations and consumers alike. An insightful infographic from the Berliner Morgenpost recently shed light on this disparity, indicating that industry titans such as Coca Cola and Pepsi predominantly utilize new plastic for packaging, despite the inherent recyclability of these materials. View this research.

The infographic starkly illustrates the broad chasm between the potential for recycling and its current reality. The key takeaway is that our collective efforts need to focus not merely on the generation of recyclable materials but also on ensuring these materials are indeed recycled. A shift in this direction is essential for preserving our planet and promoting sustainable development.

To facilitate a transformation towards recycling and sustainable practices, we need to fundamentally reimagine our supply chains. The traditional, linear supply chains need to evolve into circular ones. In a circular supply chain, resources are kept in use for as long as possible, their maximum value is extracted while in use, and at the end of their service life, materials are recovered and regenerated.

Understanding this need for a paradigm shift, we are launching a new workshop: Supply Chain Practice Workshop: Transforming from Linear to Circular Business. This workshop seeks to guide participants through the complexities of this transition and equip them with the tools necessary to bring about sustainable change in their respective organizations.

The workshop is powered by The Blue Connection, a business simulation that provides participants with a hands-on experience in managing a virtual company shifting from a linear to a circular supply chain. Participants will gain practical insights into the challenges and potential solutions involved in this transformation. More information about the business simulation can be found here.

By attending this workshop, participants will be taking a meaningful step towards understanding and contributing to the circular economy. They will have the opportunity to engage with the intricacies of supply chain transformation and learn how to adapt their businesses to meet sustainability goals.

We invite you to join us on this journey towards creating a more sustainable future. Together, we can bridge the recycling gap and make a real difference. View more detailes of our Supply Chain Practice Workshops for 2024.

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