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Learning to Learn

In the evolving landscape of business and leadership, the mantra of "learning to learn" has never been more critical. As Arie de Geus pointed out, the capacity to outlearn your competitors might be your most significant sustainable competitive advantage. This isn't about passive or structured learning scenarios; it's about an active engagement in acquiring new capabilities and embracing the discomfort of becoming a novice repeatedly. This iterative learning is not just an individual challenge but a collective leadership opportunity.

Leadership in this context goes beyond guiding teams through established processes; it involves inspiring them to adopt a mindset of continuous growth and learning. When a new system or process is introduced, the natural human inclination is to resist—citing time, comfort with the old ways, or skepticism. However, the true test of leadership is in overcoming these biases, both in ourselves and our teams, and focusing on the potential benefits and opportunities that new knowledge brings.

A shift in focus from the challenges to the benefits of learning can significantly increase our aspiration and motivation to engage with the unfamiliar. Drawing on research, such as that by Nicole Detling, a psychologist at the University of Utah, which highlights how envisioning the positive outcomes of acquiring a new skill can drive motivation, leaders can apply this insight to foster a culture of learning within their organizations.

The essence of leadership in the age of perpetual learning is not just about managing change but about being the architects of an environment that celebrates curiosity, resilience, and the pursuit of knowledge. It's about setting a vision that learning is not a destination but a journey—a journey that is essential for both personal growth and organizational success.

And remember, learning to learn might feel like trying to eat spaghetti with a spoon at times—messy, challenging, and a bit silly. But just like mastering the art of spaghetti eating, it's all about finding the right tools and techniques. And maybe, just maybe, embracing the mess along the way.

The next exciting opportunity for young professionals in supply chain to learn and adapt is our Young Professionals Challenge, a 1-day event about circularity and supply chain transformation - let’s embrace the mess!
