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Sustainability is part of Supply Chain...

... or is Supply Chain an aspect of Sustainability? Part 2 of 4 of a sustainability focus series

In the last seminar, we focused on using the results of the materiality matrix to develop a sustainability report and establish priorities for sustainability initiatives.

However, the students and I realized that more research was needed on the maturity matrices of companies from different industries. To gain more insight, we explored the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework for sustainability reporting, which covers environmental, social, and governance issues.

During this week’s seminar, we also discussed the importance of sustainability in the supply chain and how it can impact a company's reputation, operations, and financial performance. And we explored the relationship between sustainability and supply chain management and discussed again whether sustainability is a part of supply chain or if supply chain is an aspect of sustainability.

To get “closer” to an answer to this question we started analyzing sustainability reports from different companies and industries to identify common key sustainability issues and material topics. We then used this information to develop a materiality matrix for a selected company. This matrix should help companies to prioritize their sustainability issues and determine which ones are most relevant to them.

Using the GRI framework, the students also learned how to use the results of the materiality matrix to develop an agenda for a sustainability report that provides a comprehensive view of the organization's sustainability performance. We discussed the importance of analyzing the sustainability report to identify areas for improvement and create a maturity matrix.

Finally, we went through the steps involved in creating a materiality matrix, which included establishing priorities and strategies for sustainability initiatives and implementing them. We also discussed the importance of monitoring and evaluating the progress of sustainability initiatives and communicating the results to all stakeholders.

In our next session, we will continue our discussion by establishing a materiality matrix for the fictitious cacao drink company of our serious game/business simulation "The Triple Connection" (Part 3 of 4). I am excited to continue our exploration of the right strategic priorities to create a sustainable supply chain that benefits both the environment and society while also generating long-term economic value (at least in our business simulation). My next report will follow soon.

Source: PMI // Materiality Matrix