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Supply Chain Finance

The role of finance is an integral function of Supply Chain Management (SCM). SCM professionals are confronted with financial decisions and often are ill equipped with the correct knowledge in finance to determine the best outcome. The decisions taken in the areas of planning and execution have a significant impact to the firm’s financial performance. Consider the following sample of topics many SCM professional are confronted with:

  • How can we best optimize our inventory levels to improve the firm’s cash position and yet meet market demands?
  • How do we optimize a spare parts network to enhance liquidity?
  • How can we utilize a logistics provider to improve the firm’s liquidity performance?
  • How should we integrate contribution margins in our order fulfillment process?
  • How can we better segment our Supply Chain network based on revenue streams?
  • Should we move beyond consignment and engage in Supplier Financing?
  • What are the impacts of tariffs to our distribution strategy?
  • Can a financial institution really improve our cash to cash cycle of our supply chain, if so how?

SCM professionals have the ability to alter a firm's liquidity position either directly or indirectly on a daily basis. This workshop provides SCM professionals with the right knowledge and skillset to integrate financial theory into their daily decision-making processes. The program is about learning how to solve real world supply chain problems with an integrated skillset of financial theory.

Participants to the SC Finance workshop will:

  • Gain a solid understanding of the theoretical components of Finance that are relevant to Supply Chain Management.
  • Understand the role of liquidity management in relation to the various supply chain components (i.e., Demand Management, Order Management, Order Execution, Procurement, Distribution Logistics) and how it can be used for improving the firm’s cash position.
  • Comprehend the solutions available on the market today from various Financial Institutions (I.e., Reverse Factoring, Warehouse Finance, Letters of Credit, etc.), in order to determine what are the best solutions for the company.
  • Evaluate the existing challenges in terms of supply chain liquidity management and develop an action plan for solving those challenges.

Any SCM professional stuck between a CEO demanding better customer service and a CFO demanding better liquidity management. We also invite and welcome any SCM professional who is looking to expand their knowledge in this ever growing field of supply chain finance. We assume you might have forgotten a lot since your time at University or you may have never studied Finance so this workshop is designed knowing participants may have to be brought up to speed.

This workshop is action orientated. It is designed for the learner that wants to be engaged in the learning process. There is no “death by PowerPoint” in this interactive workshop. We utilize a learning process that integrates theory with applied problem solving. You will be able to see firsthand why finance is an integral function of supply chain through a life like supply chain experience called The Cool Connection.

To guarantee the best interaction with and within the group we recommend a group size of maximum 16 participants.
